Member Benefits
As a member of The Cabbagetown BIA, your business has access to a variety of benefits including:
Advocating and lobbying on behalf of the membership as a unified voice
Connection to the Cabbagetown brand and identity
Participation in our annual signature programs: CaféTO (May - October) and The Cabbagetown Festival (September)
Participation in other marketing and promotional programs
Assistance in dealing with the City regarding policies, permits, maintenance, and construction
Access to our Social Media and mailing list - up to 20,000 followers and growing
Public streetscape improvements including murals, public art, street furniture, sidewalk cleaning, graffiti & poster removal, butterfly gardens, sidewalk maintenance, and seasonal landscaping - cost-shared with the City of Toronto
Safety, security and crime prevention initiatives
Representation and support at all three levels of government
Access to funding through the Commercial Facade Improvement Program
Access to funding and one-on-one tech support through the Digital Main Street Transformation Grant
Strategic plans for business recruitment, market studies, and capital improvements - leading to a proven decrease in vacancies
Discounted advertising opportunities
Public Relations opportunities and stronger connections to the media
Increase in property value
Access to foot traffic and customer data to help inform marketing and operational decisions
Investment and leasing strategies