2023 Streetscape Masterplan


In late 2021, The Cabbagetown BIA initiated and commissioned the creation of a Streetscape Masterplan, which would evaluate our existing streetscape amenities and guide the continuing development of the street. The Masterplan would provide the guiding vision for public realm improvements over the next decade. After an extensive public consultation process in 2022, The Cabbagetown BIA Streetscape Masterplan was completed and filed with the City in 2023.

The Masterplan provides us with a roadmap and strengthened ability to leverage upcoming developments, changes, and construction opportunities. Already, the City of Toronto has used it as a starting point for plans to redesign and redevelop our local Anniversary Park, with many elements such as a gateway feature and programming space making their way into the final design. This document allows us to have a seat at the design table. We recommend that residents who want to see extensive and long-term growth for Parliament St advocate for increased investment by the City of Toronto to support these high-level projects.

Thank you to The Planning Partnership for their hard work and expertise in creating this comprehensive document and plan.

Download the 2023 Streetscape Masterplan