Saturday, September 6th - Sunday, September 7th, 2025
Founded in 1976, The award-winning Cabbagetown Festival is one of Toronto’s longest-running and most beloved street festivals. The Cabbagetown Festival will return bigger than ever hosting over 100,000 attendees. Enjoy a family-friendly, entertainment-packed weekend, including live music, performances, art, fantastic food, games, and over 200 unique vendors!
See this section if your business is located within The Cabbagetown BIA Boundaries (see map): along Parliament St. (Wellesley to Gerrard), Gerrard St E (Oskenonton Ln to Parliament), or Carlton St (Sherbourne to Parliament). EXTERNAL VENDORS: SEE HERE
We hope that all member businesses will participate on the street in order to get the greatest benefit from the event. Need ideas? Reach out to us and we can come up with some great activations together!
Dates and Times
Saturday September 6: 11am – 8pm
Sunday September 7`: 11am – 7pm
Location: Parliament Street and Carton Street, Cabbagetown, Toronto
Info for Members:
Member businesses will have a right of first refusal over a complimentary 10x10 ft space in front of their business or as close to in front of their business as possible. For members who are located outside the Festival footprint (such as along Gerrard St or on Carlton west of Seaton St), we will endeavour to provide you with a space as close to Gerrard or Seaton as possible.
You are required to bring your own tent, tables, & chairs - The BIA will only provide you with the space. Tents must be secured, with either sandbags, water barrels, or other appropriate weights, at a minimum of 42 lb weights on each leg.
Members must confirm participation by Saturday, May 31st, 2025.
After May 31st, the festival space on the street will no longer be guaranteed to member businesses and the BIA reserves the right to sell this space to a 3rd-party vendor.
FEES: NO CHARGE TO BIA MEMBERS. However, we will require all participating members to submit a $100 deposit (by cheque) to the BIA by June 27th as part of their registration to ensure that the space is used; it will be returned following the Festival if the allocated space is properly used both days.
USE OF SPACE: Member businesses that are extending their patio or would like more space can request the use of additional space up to the length of their storefront, subject to BIA approval.
EXTENDED PREMISES: Members may wish to extend their licensed premises into the first lane of the street (to create an extended patio). Process details to be updated shortly.
FOOD PERMIT: Members cooking or preparing food items outside of their permitted kitchen will be required to submit a food handling permit application. Process details to come shortly.
MANDATORY FESTIVAL INFO & TRAINING WEBINAR: Members will be required to attend at least one (1) training webinar hosted by The Cabbagetown BIA. This webinar will include logistical information you will need to know for the Festival as well as a section for learning how to capitalize on the increased attendance as an opportunity to grow your client base and increase your longterm sales. Dates are as follows, please sign up below.
Tuesday, June 3rd, 2025, 3-4 pm.
Thursday, June 12th, 2025, 10-11 am.
HOW SHOULD I STAND OUT AT THE FESTIVAL? Not sure what your event marketing plan should be? Click here for loads of ideas for promoting your business at the festival. You can also email us to set up a brainstorming meeting. Got questions or are interested in a customized sponsorship for even more exposure? Book an appointment with the BIA team by contacting Beth Airton, Operations Coordinator to meet and discuss the best way for you to participate in the festival.
Want to learn more about becoming a sponsor? Take a look through the Sponsorship Deck to see if this might be the right fit for your business.
Read all about last year’s festival in our 2024 Final Festival Report.